Friday, May 21, 2010

The Big Sleeping Bear

My sons, nono and roro, like to read Berenstain Bears story series. One of their favorite story is "Bears in Ghost Forest". After hundreds reading, they already knew every line, thus, they liked to play as Brother bear and Sister bear according to the book.

One day after dinner, nono said, "It's time to play sleeping bear. Dad, you need to sleep in the sofa." Nono is a bossy boy, he likes to tell you what to do, not following what you ask him to do.

Daddy pretended sleeping in the sofa. Nono and roro held on toy swords, and saying "Do they dare to go over the great sleeping bear? Yes, they dare..." Meanwhile they both jumped from the high stool and went over the "bear" running away. Daddy opened the eyes and jumped from the sofa and made a very loud roar sound like a bear. After that they ran away and shouted "quick, quick, hiding, bear is behind us".

At that time, laughter and stomping could be heard everywhere in the house...

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