Thursday, May 6, 2010

Magic Touch

Last week my son's school writing's topic was "If you have one magic touch, what could it be?" This topic was interesting. I asked my son if he had a magic touch what it could be. He thought a while and didn't answer. Suddenly, an idea enlightened his face. "Mom, if I have a magic touch, I would like to touch my homework so that it can be done right away, then I can play."

I was speechless. Why would not this simple idea come out from an adult brain? Only kids could think of such pure, naive and unaffected idea?

I asked myself if I had a magic touch what it would be. Several ideas flashed by right away. If I have a magic touch, it would be when I need money everything I touched could become a bill. If I have a magic touch, I would touch my face so that all wrinkles would be gone, and I could back to twenties. Both ideas were something about material.

But the most magic touch I want was to touch myself so that I could possess this ability forever, I could have anything I want at anytime. Suddenly the story "The fisherman and the gold fish" came out from my head, it reminded me of its ending. This story is about one poor fisherman caught an uncommon gold fish which promised to fulfill the fisherman's requests. At the beginning, gold fish gave him what his wife asked for, until one day she wanted gold fish server her like servant. The gold fish didn't accept and turn everything back to old time.

Magic touch was not belonged to the reality, it only existed in the fair tale. I looked around the house, at least I still had everything I had before. If you asked me to trade the imaginary touches with my nowadays life, I would say "NO".


  1. What a nice essay. I think you should summarize the ending of "The fisherman" story so everyone knows (some don't know this story). Then expand the last paragraph with more about how you have everything you need.
    Just a few word/phrase errors; let's talk about them in class.

  2. I found you after all,I was looking for you all this time. Yes who doesn't want to have a magic touch even for the most simple tings on live like cook or ice cream or for my to be handsome and that is never gonna happened

  3. Your essay reminds me about my daughter. She likes to watch the show named "Teenage Witch", who is a heroes in her mind. She teased herself she wolud find out she actually is a witch someday. I never criticise her thought. why? Because it is an inspiration to watch as this magical person was so happy while helping others. She will learn something from that show instead thinking she will be a witch!

  4. Hi Sillyhat! Very nice fantasy, I think if I have the opportuny of magic touch my priority was give food to people need it, then get peace and love for all familys around the word!
    It's my personal way to think, but is really fun how your kids think about, I believe if I was a kid I will do the same.
    weatever very good post congratulations. Bye.
