Thursday, May 27, 2010

Blood type and your personality

Generally, blood type is the same as horoscope which always parts match your personality or fortune, and parts not match at all.

My blood type is "O" which also called "universe type", that means it can be compatible with all types: O, A, B, and AB. From here, it is easy to recognize type "O" is an easygoing, outgoing and social person, which is matched my personality. I am such a person like hanging out with friends.

I am sort of creative but not a popular person, afraid of to be the center of attention, which is all because of lack of self-confidence. I think personality is not only decided by blood type, it's also decided by many other factors, for example, the family gene, how you were raised and educated, and other indirect aspects.

Thus, blood type can help us to determine what personality this person will have, but cannot rely on it to conclude what his/her personality is. It is very useful to help us understand a new person, especially a stranger.

Friday, May 21, 2010

ESL Class photo

A Letter to President Obama

Dear President Obama,

I am an immigrant from China. I have lived in the US for 11 years.

I am an ESL student at Renton Technical College. I came to America because my husband studied here.

I am very concerned about the current situation of immigrants. Immigrants are what this country is made of. We need reform to allow the immigrants who are living in the US to be able to live here in peace, and to have a reasonable pathway to becoming citizens.

I -- and over 12 million other immigrants -- will be very grateful to you for taking concrete steps towards immigration reform.


The Big Sleeping Bear

My sons, nono and roro, like to read Berenstain Bears story series. One of their favorite story is "Bears in Ghost Forest". After hundreds reading, they already knew every line, thus, they liked to play as Brother bear and Sister bear according to the book.

One day after dinner, nono said, "It's time to play sleeping bear. Dad, you need to sleep in the sofa." Nono is a bossy boy, he likes to tell you what to do, not following what you ask him to do.

Daddy pretended sleeping in the sofa. Nono and roro held on toy swords, and saying "Do they dare to go over the great sleeping bear? Yes, they dare..." Meanwhile they both jumped from the high stool and went over the "bear" running away. Daddy opened the eyes and jumped from the sofa and made a very loud roar sound like a bear. After that they ran away and shouted "quick, quick, hiding, bear is behind us".

At that time, laughter and stomping could be heard everywhere in the house...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A day in the field

It was a sunny Sunday afternoon, I sat in my seat watching the crowds passing back and forth and listening the familiar song.

"Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowds;
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack,
I don't care if I never get back.
Let me root, root, root for the home team,
If they don't win, it's a shame.
For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out,
At the old ball game."

This is the unofficial anthem of baseball. And yes, I was in Safeco field and watching Mariners vs. LA Angels baseball game.

It was not only a great game, but also an entertainment.

In this game, Mariners scored 8-1 and ended their eight games losing streak. There were twelve hits and a back-to-back home run. Whatever every time Mariners hit the ball or not, fans always gave the warmest shouts of joy, whistles, and claps. Each time balls flew to audience seat, nearby fans ran over to catch, and finally laughter came out from the lucky person. When you were surrounding those joyful noise, it is hard to keep yourself out of it. Thus, I stood up like they did, clapped my hands harder, and made noise louder. I truly wanted to be one of them, I wanted to help Mariners.

Also it is always fun to watch funny performance during the game. The Mariners Mascot Moose swung in the center deck, the chunky sweeping in-field guys danced hilariously, a school-age kid stole the base, and many other attractive games on the big screen.

Finally, it is a wonderful family event. My husband and I enjoyed the game very much. Although my sons didn't quite understand all the plays, they were happy to sit in their chairs eating chips and other snacks. There were a lot of parents with kids like us watching games, some even brought their grandparents or friends.

Till now I could feel I am not an audience any more, I am one of Mariners fans, part of Mariners.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Magic Touch

Last week my son's school writing's topic was "If you have one magic touch, what could it be?" This topic was interesting. I asked my son if he had a magic touch what it could be. He thought a while and didn't answer. Suddenly, an idea enlightened his face. "Mom, if I have a magic touch, I would like to touch my homework so that it can be done right away, then I can play."

I was speechless. Why would not this simple idea come out from an adult brain? Only kids could think of such pure, naive and unaffected idea?

I asked myself if I had a magic touch what it would be. Several ideas flashed by right away. If I have a magic touch, it would be when I need money everything I touched could become a bill. If I have a magic touch, I would touch my face so that all wrinkles would be gone, and I could back to twenties. Both ideas were something about material.

But the most magic touch I want was to touch myself so that I could possess this ability forever, I could have anything I want at anytime. Suddenly the story "The fisherman and the gold fish" came out from my head, it reminded me of its ending. This story is about one poor fisherman caught an uncommon gold fish which promised to fulfill the fisherman's requests. At the beginning, gold fish gave him what his wife asked for, until one day she wanted gold fish server her like servant. The gold fish didn't accept and turn everything back to old time.

Magic touch was not belonged to the reality, it only existed in the fair tale. I looked around the house, at least I still had everything I had before. If you asked me to trade the imaginary touches with my nowadays life, I would say "NO".

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My favorite place -- Shi Sha Hai 什刹海

Shi Sha Hai, located in Beijing China, near the forbidden city, is an area like pine lake, which offers boat launch, fishing pier, and playground.

I have many reasons to like this area. First of all, Shi Sha Hai's scenery is too beautiful for words. The lake is always peaceful and quiet. Every time I walk around the lake, the green color water, the chirping bird sounds, and the leisure faces could be seen and heard everywhere, thus how could any annoyance still exist?

Secondly, it is a fun place for everybody. Children can play in the playground, old men like to go fishing in the pier or play chess on the bench, young couples can rent a boat and row to the island of the lake. In winter, it is the best outdoor ice skating place in downtown Beijing.

Finally, famous restaurants and bars are nearby. When you are tired or hungry, grabbing a beer or a cup of coffee or tea, sitting in the chair near the waterfront, tasting delicious Beijing flavor dim sum, I am sure you can feel at ease and relax.

Once you visit Shi Sha Hai, you will never forget it!